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5:34 p.m. - 12 May 2002
B&S concert review

ooh la la last night's Belle & Sebastian show was so great. even though I'd gotten a small preview of the show when I saw them play in California, last night's show was much more enjoyable. first off, the Congress Theater is beautiful and I'm so glad they had it there because in all probability I'll never get a chance to go back. secondly, I was semi front-ish so I had a super view of almost everyone on stage. ah they're just such a fun band to see perform. any contemporary group who can have four violinists onstage with them without a trace of pretension is totally ace with me. the only mediocre part of the night was the opening band, whose name I still don't know. it was four girls, onstage, standing and sitting still. I don't really think they enjoyed playing to probably the biggest audience they'll ever have, but I could be wrong.

don't feel like writing about anything else right now, so I won't. so there.

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