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2:25 p.m. - 05 March 2002

wow, I've really pissed the day away so far.

my boss comes back from her vacation tomorrow, which is sucky. I swear I've gotten tons more done since she's been gone, but somehow feel that I have nothing to show...course, spending three hours writing emails this morning hasn't really helped.

listening to Blur's 13 album...I always forget how good it is. 1992 is a fine song.

tonight I'm going to see The Music Man with April and Marisa, but fear not--I'm not paying for it, nor am I going out of love for musicals--one of their college friends is in the production. I'm not even paying for the ticket. so that's good. anyway, it should be an interesting show. might sneak in a nap.

gonna do my taxes tomorrow. hoepfully if I get it all done quickly, I can file electronically and then get my refund before I leave for San Diego in April. that would be a welcome addition to my checking account.

this week is speeding by so far. it's only Tuesday, and I'm probably speaking too soon, but Tuesday's almost over, then tomorrow's Wednesday, and then my dad's in town Thursday night, and then all of a sudden it'll be Friday again. but I suppose you knew that already.

ok must finish up some things before I leave for the museum. ta.

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