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12:51 p.m. - 16 February 2002
day 3 in the city

New York is going well. had the best sushi ever on Thursday night--toro so good I thought I'd die. James P got here yesterday. he is a purebread freak. he slept on the floor in the same room as I did, and I watched him toss, turn, pull his hair, etc. for a half hour while he slept. strange. he and Stacey just left to get breakfast and JP decided that his purple pajama shorts and yellow zip-up jacket were perfectly suitable for public display. cuckoo!!

yesterday Stacey and I drove up to CT and I had multiple flashbacks.

don't quite know what we're going to get done today. it's 1 and only 1/4 people have showered. but tonight is a Mardi Gras party and Keira's coming down so that should be great.

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