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6:57 p.m. - 05 May 2002
last night I got drunk

I woke up this morning with a sizeable hangover. April and I went out last night and had a good number of drinks. then when we rolled home around 3:30 April decided it would be fun to torment me with a little rough-and-tumble. I am extremely ticklish and April really enjoys threatening me with wiggling fingers from time to time. usually after consuming lots of alcohol. so that went on for much longer than I could bear. I have scratch marks on me from trying to fend off her attacks. at one point, she had me pinned to my bed by pressing her leg against my windpipe. needless to say, I didn't find all this torture quite as enjoyable as April did, but I was amused through my rage.

this morning was spent recouperating. I watched Joe Dirt for the second time and still found it funny, and then I watched Philadelphia for the second time and remembered what a nice movie it is. April and I then went for a walk on the lake and stopped at the old-timey ice cream parlor near our apartment for a treat on the way back.

and now the Simpsons are on. so I must stop.

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