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9:23 a.m. - 25 March 2002
yay for my dinner partay

my dinner party last night was a really great time. everyone enjoyed themselves and the food was actually really excellent. I got lots of compliments, which is exactly what I wished for. and now I have piles and piles of dirty dishes, pots, and pans and no dishwashing detergent for the machine. oh ha ha. one great after-effect from the party is that April and I now have about 8 bottles of wine to drink, along with a huge brie that everyone was too full to enjoy. nice! one not-as-great aftereffect is that my bath towel, bed sheets, couch, clothes smell like fried cumin potato cakes that were delicious at the time but kind of overwhelming with their lingering presence.

watching the Oscars last night, I think I was most troubled to see that Paul McCartney has gotten one of the most obvious facelifts in history. and that hair dye isn't fooling anyone either. it makes me sad that he can't just age naturally or gracefully, he has to go the Park Avenue route. I guess if it had to be one of the Beatles, though, he was the natural choice. but still :(

gotta run to a meeting. more to come.

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