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9:46 a.m. - 24 September 2002
autumn times

here's the thing about autumn weather arriving in Chicago so soon: it makes me feel like I'm going back to school. I've been out of school for three years now, but I still get that distinct "yup, better start gathering up my pens and pencils and notebooks" feeling whenever the air gets cooler, the mornings start with a chill, and I can't go bare-legged around the town anymore. I wonder if the back-to-school feeling will ever go away? probably not, considering I'll actually be back in school two years from now (if all goes according to plan).

today I am wearing a short, bright-red A-line skirt, a fitted black sweater with 3/4 length sleeves, black tights, and black mary janes with a wedge heel. I feel like an English school girl circa 1964 who's going out on a date. it's a nice feeling. I need to dress like this more often. even if it does make sitting down a vaguely pornographic experience for anyone sitting across the way from me.

last night on television (an important element in my life, let's not forget), I watched Celebrity Fear Factor and alternately, American Idol Live in Vegas. you see, I have exquisitely discriminating tastes in the programs I view. anyway, CFF was a bit of a snoozer. like, I wasn't interested in seeing Barry Williams, aka Greg Brady, try to pick up yellow hockey pucks from the bottom of a water tank filled with 1,001 snakes. it's just not as exciting as, say, Brad Pitt doing that. at least someone whose career could be seriously hampered if they were to be bitten by a lazy python. actually, no, no, I think it's just that the shock factor of Fear Factor has worn off on me. unless it involves eating something revolting. then it's still good. at any rate, I was happy to see Keisha Knight Pullman, aka Rudy Huxtable, come out of top. she was the least annoying of all the contestants. and who doesn't love little Rudy?

as for American Idol in Vegas, it was the shlockiest thing I've seen in quite some time and a great disappointment. ah well. what can a girl expect?

hey, this one time in Connecticut, I literally ran into Barry Williams at the grocery store with my shopping cart. he lived in the same town where I nannied. as soon as he walked away, I thought, "GREG BRADY!" and stared covertly until I was certain it was he. the cashiers in the store were abuzz with the news too. then a few months later, I saw him again in Barnes & Noble. what a regular fella. now I'll list the other prominent people I saw in that town: David Letterman, the hot Harry Connick, Jr. (2x), Philip Johnson (the architect). that's all I can remember right now.

that town was weird.

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