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4:01 p.m. - 26 August 2002
ship me out

blech blech blech today is lasting too long for a Monday.

I just spent a half hour doing web searches to find out the meaning of a specific tattoo. it's funny how theoretically I get paid while I do that.

I've also being attacked with emails from a man who proclaimed "I am disabled, and I have lots of time, a computer, ushakable resolve for justice in this case, and I have a background in law." which is all great. but after three emails to him politely letting him know that I can't help him, he accused me of making excuses, excuses that he won't buy into. I can't wait till he shows up at my doorstep. that'll be great.

also today I've been bouncing emails back and forth with Stacey. much of the content concerns W and she can appropriately pursue a relationship with him. I offered a lot of constructive advice, but then throughout the day, the loonier I got, and the more nonsensical my advice has become. Stacey made some crack about "riding" W and I responded with the following: "I mean, by all means, ride him as hard as you can. but just let him know that you can't dive in head first unless he gives you head first."

dude, what does that even mean? am I a 15 year old boy? I don't know, but the fact remains that I wrote it; it came through my fingers from my head. luckily Stacey will most likely be able to pull a good laugh out of it.

my head is working in loops.

I started listening to bunches of Elliott Smith last night. I don't care what anyone says, I think he's great. and the same goes for his song "Waltz #2 (XO)." sure, it's probably his most popular song but goddamn! it's good.

45 minutes to quittin' time.

72 hours to home time.

? days to sane time.

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