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2:48 p.m. - 29 January 2002
the awful nightmare I recently had

oh I can't believe I forgot to write about this yesterday: I had one of the most fucked-up and frightening dreams of my life Sunday night. I was dreaming that I was somehow supervising/helping this guy who was trying to get off heroin. I don't remember all the details now, but I remember that I was sitting in a chair and he was just lying on his stomach, miserable. I would give him pills or look down at him and be like, "you're doing fine," but I was saying all of this stuff with a very cold voice. at the end, I handed him a glass of water and he took it and broke it and started cutting himself all over with the edge. then he started to slice open his face with it by opening and closing his mouth on the sharp edge and there was blood all over the place. it was really fucked up and scary and I don't know why the fuck I dreamt it. blood is not a good symbol in dreams. I woke up as I was yelling his name in the dream and I was like half-yelling it for real when I woke up. it was either Keith or Dan or maybe I thought it was both. whatever. my head's fucked up, it seems. what the fuck could it possibly mean? alarming.

alright, I would put more in, but remembering the dream seems enough for now and I've gotta run to the museum.

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