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7:18 p.m. - 13 March 2002
say "ahhh"

went to the dentist today. only one cavity, and it's on my weirdo wisdom tooth that grew in sideways and pokes me in the cheek. the dentist said he'd like to just pull it out since it would be hard to fill. he also said I should have my 3 other wisdom teeth, which have not come in, taken out by an oral surgeon. I realize this is a relatively common procedure, but damned if I'm not terrified of it. I'm not too keen on things being extracted from my body, especially if an IV is involved. have I mentioned my mortal fear of IVs and needles in general? it's there, and it's powerful. I can barely stand to get a shot, and I've never had blood drawn from the arm. I simply cannot bear the thought of something running through my veins from an outside source. it's making me weak just describing it. "why not just ask for the gas?" you might say. that kind of freaks me out too. anesthetic in general is just strange. I pray I never have to have an emergency operation.

anyway, I will have them out. I just need a period of time to get acquainted with the idea and to toughen up my skin.

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