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1:34 p.m. - 12 April 2002
I am the luckiest girl in the world!

SWEET JESUS I WON ELVIS COSTELLO TICKETS! I am so freaking excited I can't stand it. I love Elvis so much, I was jumping up and down at work when I won them. so I'm going to take Amy, who is also going as crazy as I am right now. the concert is next Sunday and it's free, but the only way to get tickets is to win them and we've both been trying to win for the past 3 weeks. I can't believe we finally did!! the best, BEST part is that he's doing a meet-and-greet at Tower Records right before the concert. so I'll get to shake his hand, get his autograph, slobber all over him, and slip him a note that says "you. me. sex. anytime." and maybe jot down a few song requests and then see him perform. next Sunday is going to be one of the greatest days ever! I will then be able to die happy.

in other news, it is unbearably humid and warm in my office building. so much so that the toilets are sweating. gross.

aaaahhhhh I'm going to see Elvis!!

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