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6:57 p.m. - 15 June 2002
lump in my throat

ugh, today.

today started out very nicely. I got up, showered, went out for lunch with April, went to look at flowers, and then went to the Art Institute by myself when April went to work.

when I came back, I decided to call Adrienne because I hadn't heard from her in a while. she answered the phone with an excited "Hiiiiiii!" and told me she was drinking champagne to celebrate being single. I guess she and Greg are no longer together, so her friend came down to celebrate that with her. then she just casually mentioned that she might be pregnant. I can't decribe how crestfallen I am; she's had one abortion already (that I know of) and I just don't know why she wasn't using protection after going off the pill. God, I can't even go into it at this point. it's like one thing after another. I got off the phone with her pretty quickly because it sounded like she was at a party. before doing that I asked her to call me tomorrow because I got sick to my stomach and couldn't talk about it any more.

onto other things...

I'm IMing with Jillian (12) and she just asked me when I started using tampons. good Lord. I was terrified of tampons for several years and she just can't wait to get started. this is very funny to me. Jillian's such an odd little girl. but she never fails to entertain me.

well I think I'm gonna lay on the couch for a while now. Muriel's Wedding is on and I do love that movie so. here's hoping tomorrow turns out a little better than today has.

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